
I don't have one method that I impose on every human-dog team and then hope that it works. In dog training there are also no patent remedies and quick (miracle) results.


Education is not just learning commands. Above all, education means a relationship, clear rules, setting specific limits in order to be able to offer freedom. Without a good relationship and a secure bond between human and dog, it is not possible. A secure bond characterised by trust, sovereignty, clear rules and mutual respect. 


It is also important to use your own body language and to learn the dog's language. Similar to humans, dog training is about social learning: the development of social skills in order to be able to cope in today's world without problems. So not "sit", "down", "heel", which again is formal learning and has nothing to do with education and still has its justification; just not for problem solving or to reduce the dog to a command receiver. 


Intuitive handling of the dogs is important. The term Authoritative Training describes it quite aptly: "Controlling with clear rules, but includes affection, empathy and tolerance for the needs of the community." I.e. fair, respectful and gentle.